OnE Spruce
High-End, Multi-Family Residential
Stowe, VT
One Spruce Peak at Stowe, VT is a 21,000 sf condominium residential building with ground floor parking, ski lockers and pool facilities. The building was designed as a podium type structure with residential units above. The podium consists of two stories above grade, and includes indoor parking at grade and two levels of residential townhome units. The upper portion of the building consists of 6 single level condominium units each from levels 3 to 5. The 6th level consists of 3 larger penthouse units, two of which have a mezzanine loft spaces over the living area.
This project consisted of strict code analysis due to the project’s desire to reduce the area of public circulation. Under my supervision, this project went from schematic design, all the way to construction. Along with my 3+ team, I coordinated work between consultants, client and contractor, and supplied additional exhibits and marketing material for the client, as needed. One Spruce Peak is currently under construction and has sold over 1/3 of the units, before opening.